Improving Aeromedical Certification through Safety Risk Management

Applying Safety Risk Management

Advances in healthcare, aviation technology, and data-driven risk management suggest that we can improve Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) aeromedical certification while sustaining aviation safety. Aviation leaders have created the Aeromedical Certification Collaborative (ACC) to study how the health of pilots and air traffic controllers affects performance and how to better manage related safety risks.

ACC participants include airlines, airline associations, pilots, pilots’ associations, aviation medical examiners, healthcare professionals, academic researchers, and the FAA. The ACC is partnering with the not-for-profit MITRE Corporation to serve as an independent convener and connector for this voluntary initiative.

ACC participants lead the work and define the nature of the collaboration, setting expectations for our studies and data protections so each participant and the flying public can benefit. The ACC is planning studies related to both mental and physical health conditions. They will range in size and scope, from tabletop exercises to risk modeling to privacy-protected data analysis.

Expected Future Benefits

The ACC expects to make an impact by:

  • Clarifying the performance effects of medical conditions to understand potential impacts on aviation safety.
  • Enabling an earlier return to duty for grounded pilots and ATCs by providing evidence to support aeromedical decisions.
  • Reducing costs to airlines and the public when pilots and ATCs stay healthy and work healthy.

Learn More

Learn about our progress to date by viewing these documents:

  • Fall 2024 ACC overview 1-pager
  • Spring 2024 visual summary of the ACC kickoff
  • Fall 2023 information session briefing
  • Spring/summer 2023 stakeholder analysis and collaboration considerations summary

We welcome inquiries from stakeholders who would like to get involved. Please contact us.