Title: Detection of Insider Threat through OSINT
Project ID: YnQhu17
Domain(s): Artificial Intelligence,Cybersecurity,Machine Learning,Multidisciplinary


Expand the research that started with the original research started in the peer-reviewed article:

“A Survey of Unintentional Insider Threat Category”, which is published at https://ijcsit.com/ijcsit-v14issue2.php.

Conduct a literature review of current AI/ML insider threat detection approaches.

Use Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) to search any available open sources for individuals that may become insider threats.

Clearly define where possible a medical insider threat case versus a psychological case when possible.

Write about what new AI/ML detection techniques can be created as they are discovered and any gaps.

Desired Skills:
Research Skills
Writing Skills
Familiarity with AI/ML
Familiarity with Cybersecurity
Familiarity with Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)


US Citizenship Required: No
Active Clearance or Background Investigation Required: No
Level Needed:

Team Information-

Targeted Students: Grad,Undergrad
Team Size: 2 to 4
Details: Recommend three to four students to split up the research and collaborate on the topic. May require individual team members to do more of a deep dive into a certain area and then brief the rest of the team or write about the topic.

Specific Requirements-

Focus on Particular University: No


Focus Timeline: No


Potential Funding:No
Note: Availability of funds not guaranteed

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