Title: Robust 6G Air Interface Waveform Design
Project ID: D8vAs26
Domain(s): Aerospace,Cybersecurity,Multidisciplinary,Systems Engineering
5G air interface is vulnerable to intentional interferers due to non-dispersed synchronization and control signals. An interferer can focus its transmissions to times and frequencies that synchronization and control signals are located.
There is an opportunity in 6G to remedy this problem. In this study the team will
1. study and document the tradeoffs in designing an air interface without dispersed synch and control signals,
2. study and document the 3GPP requirements and plans for 6G interface,
3. propose an air interface and evaluate its performance,
4. find industrial partners and influence the 3GPP for adoption of the proposed interface.
Desired Skills:
Communication Theory
US Citizenship Required: Yes
Active Clearance or Background Investigation Required: No
Level Needed:
Team Information-
Targeted Students: Grad
Team Size: 2 to 4
Details: An university professor advisor that can find industrial partners and interface with 3GPP SDO is recommended. In addition, Dr. Karsi and Dr. Havasy at MITRE can mentor/advise on MITRE side.
Specific Requirements-
Focus on Particular University: No
Focus Timeline: No
Potential Funding:No
Note: Availability of funds not guaranteed
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