Departure Readiness Information Exchange – Dallas and Las Vegas
Not all flight operators can electronically submit departure readiness information. Verbal methods are cumbersome, time-consuming, and often not used. Many scheduled commercial operators and some business aircraft operators provide departure readiness information to NAS systems using established electronic means. However, most of the GA community does not have a means to electronically submit the same information.
Are You Ready?
The FAA is moving towards Time-Based Management (TBM) to enable Trajectory Based Operations (TBO).
What are TBM & TBO?
TBM uses up-to-date schedule data and sophisticated schedulers to more accurately schedule IFR flights to fly when and where the system can accomodate them. TBO uses TBM and precision navigation to allow more flights to fly their desired routes.
What Does TBM mean to me?
- A better idea of how you fit into the bigger picture
- The ability to plan better and have more predictable operations
- Improved FAA system performance
What is the challenge?
Achievable schedules require accurate departure times for all flights. While most airlines provide updated departure times to the FAA, General Aviation (GA) pilots do not have the mechanism to provide updated departure time information.
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SPECIAL: Using Pacer at LAS, HND, and VGT for F1 and Super Bowl
The Pacer team is collaborating with the Clark County Department of Aviation (CCDOA) to help GA pilots stay aware and informed about departure demand at the three main airports in Las Vegas.
CCDOA has implemented Prior Permission Required (PPR) reservations for upcoming events that will draw a significant amount of business aviation traffic. Most notably the Formula One race in November and the Super Bowl in February. The PPR reservations will be linked with Pacer. Pilots can use Pacer to update their expected taxi time. These updates will help other Pacer users and the CCDOA stay better informed about expected traffic demand.
DAL 13R/31L Closed for 10 Months – Pacer at DAL Now Shows Arrivals
Having 13R/31L closed for 10 months at DAL will require more planning and awareness for GA departures and arrivals. In addition to departures, Pacer now shows arrivals on the Dallas Love (KDAL) Pacer demand graph.
The RATE line indicates the advertised arrival rate, doubled, for example, 48 arrivals and departures per hour in visual approach conditions.
Runway 13R/31L is schedule to be closed for renovation until February 2022.
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