Digital Engineering and Test & Evaluation (t&e)
Connect the Dots
June 27 – 29, 2023
In-person and Virtual Event
Registration is closed.
Exploring digital engineering through the lens of T&E.
Provide a view into the future of T&E supported by digital engineering, aligned to the capability lifecycle and show how each program’s work fits into the larger digital engineering practice in DOD and industry. Digital engineering allows T&E to become a continuum.
Give contributors the opportunity to exchange valuable information about their processes and practices, close knowledge gaps, and discover how to improve the state of their digital engineering practice.
Capability Lifecycle
Abstracts must be unclassified. If accepted for presentation, your content may be up to CUI.
We need your abstracts on real-world examples, successes, and challenges working model-based engineering efforts in support of T&E.
Topics will be arranged in order of the capability lifecycle phases (this includes science and technology through operations and maintenance) so participants can take lessons from adjacent, similar, or related programs to demonstrate what T&E as a Continuum can look like in practice. We are looking for examples that are both pre-Program of Record and across the Adaptive Acquisition Framework pathways (Middle Tier, Software acquisitions, etc.)
Topics may include, but not limited to:
- Authoritative Source of Truth
- Tools and processes
- Acceleration of technology development and insertion
- User experience (practitioners, users, and leadership)
- Infrastructure and environments
- Standards/ontologies/schema/dictionaries/patterns
- Mission engineering enabling test and evaluation
- Model and data federation
- Model quality/readiness
- LVC (Live, Virtual, Constructive)
- Model VV&A
- Architecture and implementation of models for accelerated testing
Workshop sponsors
- Developmental Test, Evaluation, and Assessment (DTE&A)
- Digital Engineering Modeling & Simulation (DEM&S), Systems Engineering and Architectures (SE&A)
- Test Resource Management Center (TRMC)
- Institute for Defense Analyses
Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited. Public Release Case Number 23-0699