Audience Analysis


The Health Information Persuasion Exploration (HIPE) framework includes the attributes of the People and Places Framework to provides a holistic approach to understanding individual and population influences as well as environmental influences on health behavior. The next two subsections will help guide you in analyzing the attributes of People and Place as it relates to COVID-19 vaccine mis/disinformation and vaccine adoption in vulnerable populations

On this page:

People   |   Places


Take a closer look at the “People” attributes of a community—things like social norms, values, beliefs, cultures, fears, social networks, vaccine intention, income disparities, all of which contribute to COVID-19 vaccine adoption and health communication.


Learn about the “Places” attributes of a community and their impacts on vaccine uptake— from access to healthcare, to transportation and beyond.

Read more about community attributes

It’s important to remember that “one size does not fit all.” A vulnerable population in one geographical area of the country will not be the same in all areas of the country.

For example, Native American tribes will  differ in attributes of people and place depending on the tribe. An analysis of each community must be conducted in order to design effective, customized health communication interventions.